Blue Ridge places high priority on compliance & education. Sign into the Customer portal for access to a variety of resources.
Compliance with OSHA and more
Are you aware that OSHA may fine you up to $7,000 for each non-compliant item on their checklist? Are you up-to-date on your MSDS/SDSs, Safety Training, and Safety Plans? Have you conducted your own workplace OSHA audit? Get in OSHA compliance with our online OSHA Compliance Program now by gaining access to our Customer Login. We help manage your compliance needs with our one-stop online compliance solution. Compatible with your desktop, tablet, or mobile device, you can conveniently manage and protect your business anywhere, anytime.
Your Blue Ridge representative is available to you as a resource regarding the ever changing regulations. We offer a cost efficient options to cover many of your training needs listed below.
MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets management
Search through millions of MSDS’s in just seconds to save, print, organize, categorize and add notes! You are able to request or upload an MSDS not found in our library as well. Completely convenient, fully offered by Blue Ridge Environmental.
With both an employee view and an administrative view, you and your employees can easily complete your Hazcom, Bloodborne Pathogens or HIPAA training and receive a certificate of training upon completion. Because you can instantly view the training status of all current and past training, keeping tracking has never been easier. Plus, sending reminders or receiving or knowing when it’s time to take a refresher course makes your job easier.
Safety Plans
Complete the OSHA required safety plans in less than one hour. Easily edit the safety plans if there is a change in employees or protocol. Plans include Emergency Action Plan, Exposure Control Plan, Fire Prevention Program, and the Hazard Communication Program.
Safety Audits
Audit the office or facility to make sure it is in full OSHA compliance by creating a full graphical rapport, complete with comments, photos, and corrective action plans. With over 75 different audits available, you can assign corrective actions on safety deficiencies, add notes, and take photos.
Federal Regulations
Get the detailed answers you need to comply with federal regulations. You can easily search, view, and print any of the 207,000+ current federal regulations. We are here to help you manage, categorize and archive regulations as needs arise.
Store all your training certificates and other documents to keep all your OSHA compliance documents in one place. Includes password protected mode to safeguard sensitive documents.
Manage Locations
Organize the facilities documents by rooms, stations, floors, or any other identifiable name. Completely customizable by the user.